Omdat kennis gemakkelijk is om te dragen.
Blijven bijleren is een must, daarom volg ik regelmatig opleidingen, zit ik met mijn neus in boeken en doorspit ik wetenschappelijke studies. Daarnaast volg ik regelmatig ‘coaching’ sessies met leden van de Vereniging voor Diergedragsprofessionals. Daar bespreken we bepaalde cases, hebben het over wetenschappelijk werk en delen kennis en ervaring uit.
Gevolgde opleidingen
- Postgraduate Course in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare (PgDip CABW), 2016 – 2018, Odisee University College
- Unconventional diets, homemade, raw, what are you advising your clients?, webinar april, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Quality of life in cats: a critical component in the provision of good welfare, webinar mei, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Cat lifestyles: outdoor, indoor or more?, webinar juni, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Management of FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease): taking the stress out of FIC (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis), webinar september, International Society of Feline Medicine
- The wildcat in your home and clinic: where do cats come from?, webinar september, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Itchy cats and creepy crawlies, webinar november, International Society of Feline Medicine
- The geriatric cat: osteoarthritis and co-morbidities, webinar december, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Pet Behaviour Science Open Conference 2018, december, University of Cordoba
- How to train your cat, webinar januari, International Society of Feline Medicine
- What do we know about common aggression in cats and dogs, webinar februari, Atlantic Veterinary College
- De kat die niet eet, FelCan kattendag congres 2019, 16 maart, Universiteit Utrecht
- Feline Diabetes: Medical and nutritional management, webinar mei, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Beneath the fur: Tick Talk – The risks of ticks to cats, webinar juni, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Hand-rearing kittens, webinar augustus, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Assessment of chronic pain in cats: From research to clinical practice, webinar augustus, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Obesitas en andere eetstoornissen, Multidisciplinair Kattengedragsymposium, 7 september, Katten Kenniscentrum Nederland
- Cats and Kids: Building Healthy Relationships, webinar oktober, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Assessment of acute pain in cats: the advent of the Feline Grimace Scale, webinar oktober, International Society of Feline Medicine
- De relatie tussen gedrag en voeding door Arianne Liefrink en Dr. Sarah Ellis, 26 januari, Kattencampus
- Covid-19: Helping cats cope, webinar maart, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Update on feline lifestage nutrition, webinar april, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Cat Friendly Handling, webinar juli, International Society of Feline Medicine
- ISFM International Feline Congress, augustus, International Society of Feline Medicine & iCatCare
- Fleas and worms in 2020: the importance of parasite control in cats, webinar augustus, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Katteneigenaren begrijpen en bereiken, hoe doe je dat als professional?, Multidisciplinair Kattengedragsymposium, 5 september, Katten Kenniscentrum Nederland
- Attachment in cats and dogs: What can the data tell us?, Dr. Karen Overall, webinar 15 september, Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre
- We want treatment to be humane, but shouldn’t treatment “work”?, Dr. Karen Overall, webinar 29 september, Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre
- What’s new, hot and important in the veterinary behaviour and behavioural medicine literature?, Dr. Karen Overall, webinar 13 oktober; Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre
- Why does my cat…..?, webinar oktober, International Society of Feline Medicine
- To drug or not to drug?!, bijscholing VDG 1 december
- Caring for elderly cats: preventative healthcare and early disease detection, webinar december, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Happy Cats Bootcamp, maart, Felinova
- The kitten opportunity, webinar maart, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Cat communication – I understand you, do you understand me?, webinar april, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Quality of life in cats, webinar juni, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Feline healthy ageing: how to support the middle-aged cat, webinar augustus, International Society of Feline Medicine
- Cat Behaviour Conference: In the Company of Cats, 24 september, Cats Protection
- Vakopleiding niet-invasieve kattentrimmer, februari – juni, Huisdierkennis Instituut
- Gedragsproblemen – mentaal of (fy)ziek? Praktische handvaten voor wanneer de grenzen vervagen, webinar april, Prof. Tiny De Keuster, Vereniging voor Diergedragsprofessional
Bijgewoonde events
- Poes Café 2015, Felinova
- Poes Café 2018, Felinova
- Animal Welfare Event 2019
- Happy Cats Café, 27 december 2020, gastspreker over ‘agressie bij katten tegenover hun eigenaren’
- Happy Cats Café, 19 december 2021, gastspreker ‘de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten inzake kattengedrag’
- Happy Cats Café, 26 juni 2022, gastspreker ‘Pandora Syndroom bij katten’.